Create a production infrastructure for dockerized PHP Apps on GCP

- with managed mysql and redis services

Posted by Pascal Landau on 2023-04-24 06:00:00

In the tenth part of this tutorial series on developing PHP on Docker we will create a production infrastructure for a dockerized PHP application on GCP using multiple VMs and managed services for redis and mysql.

What will you learn?
We'll modify the setup introduced in the previous tutorial Deploy dockerized PHP Apps to production on GCP via docker compose as a POC and create an individual VM for each of our docker services. For the PHP application containers we'll keep using Compute Instance VMs, and for mysql and redis we'll use GCP managed products.

You'll learn how to create the corresponding infrastructure on GCP via the UI as well as through the gcloud cli.

All code samples are publicly available in my Docker PHP Tutorial repository on Github.
You find the branch with the final result of this tutorial at part-10-create-production-infrastructure-php-app-gcp.

CAUTION: With this codebase it is not possible to deploy any longer! Please refer to the next part Deploy dockerized PHP Apps to production - using multiple VMS and managed mysql and redis instances from GCP for the code to enable deployments again.

All published parts of the Docker PHP Tutorial are collected under a dedicated page at Docker PHP Tutorial. The previous part was Deploy dockerized PHP Apps to production on GCP via docker compose as a POC.

If you want to follow along, please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when the next part comes out :)

Table of contents


In Deploy dockerized PHP Apps to production on GCP via docker compose as a POC we've created a single Compute Instance VM, provisioned it with docker compose and ran our full docker compose setup on it. In other words: All containers ran on the same VM (that had to be reachable from the internet).

docker compose (POC) based infrastructure on GCP

In this part we want to split this setup up so that:

In addition, we want to expose only the nginx service to the internet - all other VMs should communicate via private IP addresses.

docker based infrastructure on GCP

Run the code yourself

The following steps will create actual infrastructure on GCP which means you will create costs (albeit quite little). Please make sure to shut the project down once you are done, see Run Docker on GCP Compute InstanceVMs: Cleanup.

I recommend creating a completely new GCP project to have a "clean slate" that ensures that everything works out of the box as intended.

# Prepare the codebase
git clone && cd docker-php-tutorial
git checkout part-10-create-production-infrastructure-php-app-gcp

# Run the initialization. 
make dev-init

# Note: 
# You don't have to follow the additional instructions of the `dev-init` target 
# for this part of the tutorial.

# The following steps need to be done manually:
# - Create a new GCP project and "master" service account with Owner permissions.
# - Create a key file for that master service account and place it in the root of the codebase at
#   ./gcp-master-service-account-key.json
# @see

ls ./gcp-master-service-account-key.json
# Should NOT fail with
#   ls: cannot access './gcp-master-service-account-key.json': No such file or directory

# Update the variables `DOCKER_REGISTRY` and `GCP_PROJECT_ID` in `.make/variables.env` 

# CAUTION: Mac users might need to use `sed -i '' -e` instead of `sed -i`!
# @see
sed -i "s/DOCKER_REGISTRY=.*/\/${projectId}/" .make/variables.env
sed -i "s/GCP_PROJECT_ID=.*/GCP_PROJECT_ID=${projectId}/" .make/variables.env

make docker-build
make docker-up
make gpg-init
make secret-decrypt

# Then run
make infrastructure-setup ROOT_PASSWORD="production_secret_mysql_root_password"

# FYI: This step can take 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

# Verify the setup
make infrastructure-info

Should show something like this

$ make infrastructure-info
application-vm  us-central1-a  e2-micro                           RUNNING
nginx-vm        us-central1-a  e2-micro           RUNNING
php-fpm-vm      us-central1-a  e2-micro                           RUNNING
php-worker-vm   us-central1-a  e2-micro                           RUNNING

redis-vm       REDIS_6_X  us-central1  BASIC  1  6379  default  READY   2022-09-12T11:22:14

mysql-vm  MYSQL_8_0         us-central1-b  db-custom-1-3840  -             RUNNABLE

The following video shows the full process (excluding most of the waiting time)

Additional GCP concepts

IPs, Networking and VPCs (Virtual Private Cloud)

In order to restrict access to VMs from the internet, we need to ensure that GCP does not assign them a public IP address. They still need to be able to communicate with each other though and thus need a private IP address within the same network / VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).

So far, we didn't need to think about that at all, because GCP creates a default network (a so-called auto mode VPC network) called default for each project, and we have simply used it as-is. But there are a number of reasons why not using the default network is a good idea, e.g.

  • unnecessary subnetworks (one for each region - we'll only need one region for our setup)
  • overly permissive firewall rules (e.g. for port 3389 for the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol [RDP].)

But for now the default network is "good enough", because it's not per-se insecure (as in "nobody from the outside world has access to it"), and we'll tackle this and some other security hardening measures in a later tutorial.

You can find the default network in the VPC networks UI

VPC networks UI in the Cloud Console

Routers and NATs

Using only private IP addresses comes with a non-obvious caveat: Compute Instance VMs cannot only no longer be reached from the internet but also not reach the internet any longer themselves as per GCP docs:

By default, when a Compute Engine VM lacks an external IP address assigned to its network interface, it can only send packets to other internal IP address destinations.

This is a problem for a number of reasons, e.g.

  • you can't install new software on the VM (e.g. apt-get will fail)
  • it's impossible to retrieve docker images from the registry
  • the application itself might need to make HTTP requests to public APIs

Fortunately, there is a simple solution: NAT. NAT is short for Network Address Translation and is basically happening for any private internet access at home. Your router "translates" the internal IP address of your local machine to a public one, so that the response packets can be routed back to the router and from there to your local machine.

GCP offers the same functionality via Cloud NAT.

Cloud NAT architecture


We must first create a Cloud Router that serves as the control plane for Cloud NAT. The creation process is explained in the GCP Cloud Router Guide: Create a Cloud Router. Please note, that for Cloud NAT routers it's not necessary to assign ASN numbers:

Note: Cloud NAT does not use ASN information. Cloud NAT gateways can be connected to Cloud Routers that have any ASN or that have no ASN specified.

Once the Cloud Router exists, we can create a Cloud NAT following the steps outlined in the GCP Cloud NAT Guide: Set up and manage network address translation with Cloud NAT.

The following video explains the full process via the Cloud Console UI by showing that a Compute Instance VM without external IP address cannot reach unless a Cloud NAT is created for the same network.

Creating a Cloud Router and a Cloud NAT gateway can also be done via gcloud cli. I've added the following commands to .infrastructure/


gcloud compute routers create "${router_name}" \
      --region="${region}" \

gcloud compute routers nats create "${nat_name}"  \
    --router="${router_name}" \
    --router-region="${region}" \
    --auto-allocate-nat-external-ips \

gcloud cli docs:

IP range allocations, VPC Peering and private service access

Since we will be using managed services for mysql and redis, we need to create a so-called VPC peering with the Google Cloud Platform Service Producer. This is necessary, because GCP will create a dedicated VPCs for MySQL Cloud SQL and Redis Memorystore instances. See also the GCP VPC Guides:

Since we don't want to assign public IPs, we need to "peer" our default VPC with those dedicated service VPCs. I have explained this in more detail in my MySQL Cloud SQL article for connecting via private IP. In short:

  • we must allocate a certain range of IPs in the default network
  • this range is then assigned to the VPC peering for Google Cloud Platform Services
  • in consequence, the redis and mysql instances will receive an IP address from the allocated IP range and are thus "visible" for all other VMs in the default network

See also the Example in the MySQL Guide: Learn about using private IP:

Connecting to Cloud SQL via private IP through VPC peering

This video shows the full procedure to create an IP range allocation and a VPC peering to enable private access on a MySQL Cloud SQL instance:

Creating an IP range allocation and a VPC peering can also be done via gcloud cli. I've added the following commands to .infrastructure/


gcloud compute addresses create "${private_vpc_range_name}" \
    --global \
    --purpose=VPC_PEERING \
    --prefix-length=16 \
    --description="Peering range for Google" \
    --network="${network}" \

gcloud services vpc-peerings connect \ \
    --ranges="${private_vpc_range_name}" \

gcloud cli docs:

Additional Service APIs and IAM roles

Since we are using even more GCP services as before, we need to enable the corresponding APIs as well. Those are:

As part of the deployment process in the next part of the tutorial Deploy dockerized PHP Apps to production - using multiple VMS and managed mysql and redis instances from GCP, we need to retrieve the IP addresses of all our services (see Poor man's DNS via --add-host) via the gcloud cli. This requires some additional IAM roles / permissions for the deployment service account:

I have added the APIs and roles also in the .infrastructure/ script:


gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

roles="storage.admin secretmanager.admin compute.admin iam.serviceAccountUser iap.tunnelResourceAccessor cloudsql.viewer redis.viewer compute.viewer"
for role in $roles; do
  gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${project_id}" --member=serviceAccount:"${deployment_service_account_mail}" "--role=roles/${role}"

Service setup

Cloud SQL for MySQL setup

Please refer to How to use GCP MySQL Cloud SQL instances - from creation over connection to deletion for a general introduction into Cloud SQL for MySQL.

For this tutorial, we will create a mysql instance with the following settings:

  • 1 CPU
  • 3840 MB RAM
  • Private Service Access / private IP only
  • Enabled deletion protection

We'll also set the password of the root user to the password defined in the DB_PASSWORD variable in .secrets/prod/app.env and create an application database named


I adapted the gcloud setup from How to use GCP MySQL Cloud SQL instances: "Using the gcloud CLI to create the script .infrastructure/ that will create a mysql instance and uses the following commands


gcloud beta sql instances create "${mysql_instance_name}" \
        --database-version="${version}" \
        --cpu="${cpus}" \
        --memory="${memory}" \
        --region="${region}" \
        --network="${network}" \
        --deletion-protection \
        --no-assign-ip \

gcloud sql users set-password root \
        --host=% \
        --instance "${mysql_instance_name}" \
        --password "${root_password}"

gcloud sql databases create "${default_database}" \
        --instance="${mysql_instance_name}" \
        --charset=utf8mb4 \

A corresponding make infrastructure-setup-mysql target is defined in .make/

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-mysql
infrastructure-setup-mysql: ## Set the mysql instance up. The ROOT_PASSWORD variable is required to defined the password for the root user
    @$(if $(ROOT_PASSWORD),,$(error "ROOT_PASSWORD is undefined"))
    bash .infrastructure/ $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) $(VM_NAME_MYSQL) $(ROOT_PASSWORD) $(ARGS)

CAUTION: We use MYSQL_8_0 as version for the instance and should ensure to keep this in sync with the value of the MYSQL_VERSION variable in the .docker/.env file (see also Structuring the Docker setup for PHP Projects .env.example and docker-compose.yml), so that we use the same version in the docker compose for our local and ci setup and keep parity between the environments.

Redis Memorystore setup

Please refer to How to use GCP Redis Memorystore instances - from creation over connection to deletion for a general introduction into Redis Memorystore.

For this tutorial, we will create a redis instance with the following settings:

  • 1 GiB RAM
  • Private Service Access / private IP
  • Enabled AUTH

I adapted the gcloud setup from How to use GCP Redis Memorystore instances: "Using the gcloud CLI to create the script .infrastructure/ that will create a redis instance and uses the following commands

size=1 # in GiB

gcloud redis instances create "${redis_instance_name}" \
      --size="${size}" \
      --region="${region}" \
      --network="${network}" \
      --redis-version="${version}" \
      --connect-mode=private-service-access \
      --reserved-ip-range="${private_vpc_range_name}" \
      --enable-auth \

A corresponding make infrastructure-setup-redis target is defined in .make/

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-redis
infrastructure-setup-redis: ## Set the redis instance up
    bash .infrastructure/ $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) $(VM_NAME_REDIS) $(ARGS)

CAUTION: We use redis_6_x as version for the instance and should ensure to keep this in sync with the value of the REDIS_VERSION variable in the .docker/.env file (see also Structuring the Docker setup for PHP Projects .env.example and docker-compose.yml), so that we use the same version in the docker compose for our local and ci setup and keep parity between the environments.

The AUTH string is created automatically, i.e. we must retrieve it after the creation and update the value of the REDIS_PASSWORD variable in the production .env file of the application at .secrets/prod/app.env. I have created a corresponding make target in .make/

.PHONY: gcp-get-redis-auth
gcp-get-redis-auth: ## Get the AUTH string of the Redis service
    gcloud redis instances get-auth-string $(VM_NAME_REDIS) --project=$(GCP_PROJECT_ID) --region=$(GCP_REGION)

Please note, that you need to activate the master service account first, because retrieving the AUTH string required the permission redis.instances.getAuthString that is by default only available in role roles/redis.admin.

Set up the VMs that run docker containers

We'll stick mostly with the same VM configuration as outlined in my Run Docker on GCP Compute Instance VMs: Create a Compute Instance VM, though we need to ensure that the VMs for the application containers application, php-fpm and php-workers are not getting a public IP. This is achieved by adding the --no-address flag.

Note: Adding the flag seemed to have no effect at first. This was because I initially used the --network-interface option to define all the network settings "as a single string". When this option is provided, the --no-address has no effect, because --network-interface takes precedence and the default value here is address, i.e. "provide a public IP address".

In other words: This doesn't work as expected

$ gcloud compute instances create test --zone="us-central1-a" --machine-type="f1-micro" \
        --network-interface=network=default \
Created [].
test  us-central1-a  f1-micro           RUNNING

# ==> Note the "EXTERNAL_IP"

This does:

$ gcloud compute instances create test --zone="us-central1-a" --machine-type="f1-micro" \ --network=default \ --no-address Created []. NAME ZONE MACHINE_TYPE PREEMPTIBLE INTERNAL_IP EXTERNAL_IP STATUS test us-central1-a f1-micro RUNNING # ==> Note that no "EXTERNAL_IP" is given

In addition, the http-server tag responsible for assigning the firewall rule to allow http traffic is also not necessary and must be omitted.

I've separated the script explained under Run Docker on GCP Compute Instance VMs: Putting it all together in the "general" GCP setup at .infrastructure/ and a script dedicated for creating a Compute Instance VM at .infrastructure/ via the following commands


# By default, VMs should not get an external IP address
# @see
if [ -n "$enable_public_access" ]
  # The only exception is the nginx image - that should also be available via http / port 80

gcloud compute instances create "${vm_name}" \
    --project="${project_id}" \
    --zone="${vm_zone}" \
    --machine-type=e2-micro \
    --network="${network}" \
    --subnet=default \
    --network-tier=PREMIUM \
    --no-restart-on-failure \
    --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE \
    --provisioning-model=STANDARD \
    --service-account="${deployment_service_account_mail}" \
    --scopes= \
    --create-disk=auto-delete=yes,boot=yes,device-name="${vm_name}",image=projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-11-bullseye-v20220822,mode=rw,size=10,type=projects/"${project_id}"/zones/"${vm_zone}"/diskTypes/pd-balanced \
    --no-shielded-secure-boot \
    --shielded-vtpm \
    --shielded-integrity-monitoring \
    --reservation-affinity=any $args_for_public_access

Note: If the script is invoked with a 3rd argument, we'll assume that it's for the nginx service so that the --no-address flag is omitted and the --tags=http-server is added.

A corresponding "generic" make infrastructure-setup-vm target is defined in .make/

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-vm
infrastructure-setup-vm: ## Setup the VM specified via VM_NAME. Usage: make infrastructure-setup-vm VM_NAME=php-worker ARGS=""
    @$(if $(VM_NAME),,$(error "VM_NAME is undefined"))
    bash .infrastructure/ $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) $(VM_NAME) $(ARGS)

In addition, there are dedicated targets for each service, e.g.

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-vm-php-worker
    "$(MAKE)" --no-print-directory infrastructure-setup-vm VM_NAME=$(VM_NAME_PHP_WORKER)

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-vm-nginx
    "$(MAKE)" --no-print-directory infrastructure-setup-vm VM_NAME=$(VM_NAME_NGINX) ARGS="enable_public_access"

as well as a "combined" target to run the setup in parallel. See also section Use make to execute infrastructure and deployment targets in parallel.

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-all-vms
infrastructure-setup-all-vms: ## Setup all VMs
    @printf "$(YELLOW)The setup runs in parallel but the output will only be visible once a process is fully finished (can take a couple of minutes)$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    "$(MAKE)" -j --output-sync=target   infrastructure-setup-vm-application \
                                        infrastructure-setup-vm-php-fpm \
                                        infrastructure-setup-vm-php-worker \
                                        infrastructure-setup-vm-nginx \
                                        infrastructure-setup-redis \

See section Add additional make variables for the definition of variables like $(VM_NAME_PHP_WORKER) and $(VM_NAME_NGINX).

Provisioning the VMs

The original provisioning script explained in Run Docker on GCP Compute Instance VMs: Provisioning located at .infrastructure/scripts/ stays almost as before, though we were able to remove the docker-compose-plugin dependency as we won't need compose any longer on the production VMs.

In addition, I added some more make targets in .make/ to make the provisioning easier

.PHONY: infrastructure-provision-vm
infrastructure-provision-vm: ## Provision the VM specified via VM_NAME. Usage: make infrastructure-provision-vm VM_NAME=php-worker ARGS=""
    @$(if $(VM_NAME),,$(error "VM_NAME is undefined"))
    bash .infrastructure/ $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) $(VM_NAME) $(ARGS) \
        && printf "$(GREEN)Success at provisioning $(VM_NAME)$(NO_COLOR)\n" \
        || printf "$(RED)Failed provisioning $(VM_NAME)$(NO_COLOR)\n"

.PHONY: infrastructure-provision-vm-nginx
    "$(MAKE)" --no-print-directory infrastructure-provision-vm VM_NAME=$(VM_NAME_NGINX)

# ...

.PHONY: infrastructure-provision-all
infrastructure-provision-all: ## Provision all VMs
    @printf "$(YELLOW)The provisioning runs in parallel but the output will only be visible once a process is fully finished (can take a couple of minutes)$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    "$(MAKE)" -j --output-sync=target   infrastructure-provision-vm-application \
                                        infrastructure-provision-vm-php-fpm \
                                        infrastructure-provision-vm-php-worker \

Mapping service names to VM names

In this tutorial I'm using the terms "service name" and "VM name" quite a lot. To avoid confusion, here is how I think about them:

  • service name

    A Service is an abstract definition of a computing resource within an application which can be scaled/replaced independently from other components. Services are backed by a set of containers, run by the platform according to replication requirements and placement constraints.

    • our application has 6 services (nginx, php-fpm, application, php-worker, mysql and redis) and so far each service was defined as an individual docker image and ran as a single docker container
    • starting from this tutorial, mysql and redis are no longer used via docker images
    • services are a "logical" component - not an infrastructural one
  • VM name
    • a "service" can be run on a "VM"
    • is a unique identifier for a Virtual Machine on GCP and is often required in gcloud commands to identify the instance for a command
    • VMs are infrastructure components
    • this includes the "Compute Engine" instances for our application services as well as the MySQL Cloud SQL instance for our mysql service and the Redis Memory Store instance for our redis service

VM names and service names

In this tutorial we use "one VM per service" and can thus use a 1-to-1 mapping from service name to VM name. As a convention, we use almost the same name, i.e. the php-fpm service runs on the Compute Engine VM instance with the name php-fpm-vm. Using the -vm suffix avoids confusion and ensures that we don't create an unintended coupling between the service name and the VM name.

Using the exact same name (service name = php-fpm and VM name = php-fpm) has lead to problems for me in the past, because the name of a MySQL Cloud SQL instance used to be blocked even after deletion for one week, so it might not even be possible to use that exact name.

I have defined this mapping as a variable in .make/variables.env as follows:

# must match the names used in the docker-composer.yml files
# VM / instance names
# Helpers

The ALL_VM_SERVICE_NAMES variables is used for instance for Retrieving all IP addresses if the VMs to create the service-ips file.

Appendix: Changes in the codebase

This section is mostly relevant if you have been following the previous tutorials. It explains some changes that have been introduced for this part.

Add a make dev-init target

A new dev-init target was added in a new sub makefile at .make/ It simplifies the setup of the tutorial repository when it has been freshly cloned.

I realized that there are quite some things to keep in mind in this case (e.g. set up various .env files, decrypt the secrets, install composer dependencies, etc.). I believe this can lead to a bad experience if you start with "this" part of the tutorial, as a lot of those setup things are done in previous parts.

Update the gcloud targets

So far, the targets in .make/ could assume a single GCP_VM_NAME variable as there was only one Compute Instance VM. Now, we have one VM per service and thus need to pass the VM_NAME as a required argument to most VM related targets (i.e. GCP_VM_NAME was replaced by VM_NAME).

Example: Logging into a VM via gcp-ssh-login now requires the VM_NAME, because we need to define in which exact VM we want to log in

.PHONY: gcp-ssh-login
gcp-ssh-login: validate-gcp-variables ## Log into a VM via IAP tunnel
    @$(if $(VM_NAME),,$(error "VM_NAME is undefined"))
    gcloud compute ssh $(VM_NAME) --project $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) --zone $(GCP_ZONE) --tunnel-through-iap

# Example to log into the php-fpm VM: 
#   make gcp-ssh-login VM_NAME=php-fpm-vm

In addition, I have added a dedicated target to activate the mater service account, as it is required for some actions (like retrieving the redis AUTH string - see Redis Memorystory Setup):

.PHONY: gcp-init
gcp-init: validate-gcp-variables ## Initialize the `gcloud` cli and authenticate docker with the keyfile defined via SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE.
    @$(if $(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE),,$(error "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE is undefined"))
    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="$(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE)" --project="$(GCP_PROJECT_ID)"

.PHONY: gcp-init-deployment-account
gcp-init-deployment-account: validate-gcp-variables ## Initialize the `gcloud` cli with the deployment service account 
    cat "$(GCP_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE)" | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin

.PHONY: gcp-init-master-account
gcp-init-master-account: validate-gcp-variables ## Initialize the `gcloud` cli with the master service account 


Add additional make variables

The following variables have been added:


The region is required to create


See previous section Update the gcloud targets.


See section Mapping service names to VM names.

Use make to execute infrastructure and deployment targets in parallel

We have already learned about the capability of make to run targets in parallel with the -j flag in Set up PHP QA tools: Parallel execution and a helper target:

.PHONY: foo
    "$(MAKE)" -j target-1 target-2

This is particularly helpful when dealing with I/O heavy targets, e.g. when making API calls. This is great, because we are making a lot of those, e.g. during the creation of the infrastructure but also during the deployment of the application. Unfortunately, it's not possible to pass individual arguments per target, i.e. in the following example

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-all
infrastructure-setup-all: ## Setup all VMs
    "$(MAKE)" -j --output-sync=target infrastructure-setup-vm VM_NAME=application-vm \   
                                      infrastructure-setup-vm VM_NAME=php-fpm-vm

the value of VM_NAME would always be php-fpm-vm. Thus, we must define each target that should run in parallel individually like this:

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-vm
infrastructure-setup-vm: ## Setup the VM specified via VM_NAME. Usage: make infrastructure-setup-vm VM_NAME=php-worker ARGS=""
    bash .infrastructure/ $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) $(VM_NAME) $(ARGS)

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-vm-application
    "$(MAKE)" --no-print-directory infrastructure-setup-vm VM_NAME=$(VM_NAME_APPLICATION)

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-vm-php-fpm
    "$(MAKE)" --no-print-directory infrastructure-setup-vm VM_NAME=$(VM_NAME_PHP_FPM)

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-all
infrastructure-setup-all: ## Setup all VMs
    "$(MAKE)" -j --output-sync=target infrastructure-setup-vm-application \

This introduces some typing overhead, but I didn't find a better way to do this, yet. In theory, we could also use other ways to run the targets in parallel, e.g. by running the process in the background via &

infrastructure-setup-all: ## Provision all VMs
    for vm_name in $(VM_NAME_APPLICATION) $(VM_NAME_PHP_FPM); do \
        $$(make infrastructure-provision-vm VM_NAME="$$vm_name") & \
    done; \
    wait; \
    echo "ALL DONE"

But: This doesn't give us any way to synchronize the output as we can do with make via --output-sync=target so that the output quickly becomes quite messy. Using GNU parallel might be an option, but it doesn't come natively e.g. on Windows and would be a dependency that needed to be installed by all developers (which we try to avoid as much as possible - see Use git-secret to encrypt secrets: Local git-secret and gpg setup).

Wrapping up

Congratulations, you made it! If some things are not completely clear by now, don't hesitate to leave a comment. You should now be ready to create a production ready infrastructure on GCP including multiple VMs and managed services for mysql and redis.

In the next part of this tutorial, we will deploy a dockerized PHP application "to production" via docker (without compose) on multiple VMs.

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