Deploy a PHP App with docker compose to production

- as a Proof of Concept

Posted by Pascal Landau on 2022-06-29 06:00:00

In the ninth part of this tutorial series on developing PHP on Docker we will deploy our dockerized PHP application to a production environment (a GCP Compute Instance VM) and run it via docker compose as a proof of concept.

All code samples are publicly available in my Docker PHP Tutorial repository on Github.
You find the branch with the final result of this tutorial at part-9-deploy-docker-compose-php-gcp-poc.

All published parts of the Docker PHP Tutorial are collected under a dedicated page at Docker PHP Tutorial. The previous part was Create a GCP Compute Instance VM for dockerized PHP Apps.

If you want to follow along, please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when the next part comes out :)

Table of contents


In the previous tutorial Create a GCP compute instance VM to run dockerized applications we have created a Compute Instance VM on GCP and prepared it to run docker containers. For this tutorial I made a small adjustment and changed the machine type from e2-micro to e2-small because we need a little more memory to run the whole application.

In this tutorial, we will use the VM as a production environment, i.e. we will

  • prepare our docker setup for production usage
  • build and push the production-ready docker images to the GCP registry from our local system
  • pull and start the images on the VM

The whole process will be defined in a single make target called deploy.

To try it yourself:

The following steps will create actual infrastructure on GCP which means you will create costs (albeit quite little). Please make sure to shut the project down once you are done, see Cleanup of the previous tutorial.
  • create an account on GCP, a project and a master service account
    • create a keyfile for the service account, name it gcp-master-service-account-key.json and move it to the root of the repository
  • checkout branch part-9-deploy-docker-compose-php-gcp-poc
  • update the .make/variables.env file with your GCP project id and VM name
  • initialize local docker setup via
    • copying the secret gpg key to the root of the repository via bash cp .tutorial/secret.gpg.example ./secret.gpg
    • initializing the shared variables via make make-init
    • building the docker setup via make docker-build
    • start the docker setup via make docker-up
    • decrypt the secrets via make gpg-init make secret-decrypt
  • run the script located at .infrastructure/ to create a GCP VM
  • run make deploy IGNORE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES=true to deploy the application
  • run make deployment-setup-db-on-vm to run the DB migrations
  • run make gcp-show-ip to retrieve the public IP of the VM and open it in a browser

git checkout part-9-deploy-docker-compose-php-gcp-poc
sed -i "s/pl-dofroscra-p/${project_id}/g" .make/variables.env
sed -i "s/dofroscra-test/${vm_name}/g" .make/variables.env
cp .tutorial/secret.gpg.example ./secret.gpg
make make-init
make docker-build
make docker-up
make gpg-init
make secret-decrypt
bash .infrastructure/ $project_id $vm_name
make deployment-setup-db-on-vm
echo "http://$(make -s gcp-show-ip)/"

Note: It can take a couple of minutes until the infrastructure is up and running.

Please consider this whole tutorial only as a POC! docker compose should not be used on a single VM in a production setup, because one huge benefit of docker is the separation of services into horizontally scalable containers. Using a single VM would pretty much defeat the purpose.

In addition, we will use docker containers for the mysql and redis databases. It would be far better to use managed services like Memorystore for redis and Cloud SQL for mysql so that we don't have to deal with backups etc. ourselves.

Note: We will tackle those issues and "remove" the POC status in the next part of the tutorial series.

Deployment workflow

As a precondition we expect that a GCP VM is up and running. The basic idea of the deployment is:

  • build the docker images using the prod environment and push them to the remote registry
  • log into the VM and pull the images
  • use docker compose on the VM to start the docker setup

This shouldn't be too complicated - we already do the same thing locally, don't we? In theory: Yes. In practice, there is one major difference: Locally, we have access to our repository, including the files for running

  • the docker setup (=> the .docker directory)
  • the make setup to control the application (=> the Makefile and the .make directory)

Fortunately we can solve this issue easily and provide a single make target named deploy that will take care of everything.

The deploy target

The deploy target runs all necessary commands for a deployment:

Run safeguard checks to avoid code drift

    @printf "$(GREEN)Switching to 'local' environment$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory make-init
    @printf "$(GREEN)Starting docker setup locally$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory docker-up
    @printf "$(GREEN)Verifying that there are no changes in the secrets$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory gpg-init
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-guard-secret-changes
    @printf "$(GREEN)Verifying that there are no uncommitted changes in the codebase$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes

Make sure the gcloud cli is initialized with the GCP deployment service account and that this account is also used to authenticate docker. Otherwise, we won't be able to push images to our GCP container registry.

    @printf "$(GREEN)Initializing gcloud$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory gcp-init

Enable the prod environment for the make setup, see section ENV based docker compose config

    @printf "$(GREEN)Switching to 'prod' environment$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory make-init ENVS="ENV=prod TAG=latest"

Create the build-info file

    @printf "$(GREEN)Creating build information file$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-create-build-info-file

Build and push the docker images

    @printf "$(GREEN)Building docker images$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory docker-build
    @printf "$(GREEN)Pushing images to the registry$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory docker-push

Create the deployment archive

    @printf "$(GREEN)Creating the deployment archive$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make deployment-create-tar

Run deployment commands on the VM

    @printf "$(GREEN)Copying the deployment archive to the VM and run the deployment$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-run-on-vm

Cleanup the deployment by removing the local deployment archive and enabling the default environment (local) for the make setup.

    @printf "$(GREEN)Clearing deployment archive$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-clear-tar
    @printf "$(GREEN)Switching to 'local' environment$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory make-init

Avoiding code drift

The term "code drift" is derived from configuration drift, which indicates the (subtle) differences in configuration between environments:

If you've ever heard an engineer lamenting (or sometimes arrogantly proclaiming) "well, it works on my machine" then you have been witness to configuration drift.

In our case it refers to differences between our git repository and the code in the docker images as well as changes between the decrypted and encrypted secret files. These problems can occur, because we are currently executing the deployment from our local machine and we might have made some changes in the codebase when we build the docker images that are not yet reflected in git. The build context sent to the docker daemon would then be different from the git repository resp. the encrypted .secret files. This can lead to all sorts of hard-to-debug quirks and should thus be avoided.

When we deploy later from the CI pipelines, those problems simply won't occur, because the whole codebase will be identical with the git repository - but I really do NOT want to lose the ability to deploy code from my local system (devs that went through Gitlab / Github downtimes will understand...)

Corresponding checks are implemented via the deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes and deployment-guard-secret-changes targets that exit with exit 1 (a non-zero status code) which in turn makes the deploy target stop/fail.


.PHONY: deployment-guard-secret-changes
deployment-guard-secret-changes: ## Check if there are any changes between the decrypted and encrypted secret files
    if ( ! make secret-diff || [ "$$(make secret-diff | grep ^@@)" != "" ] ) && [ "$(IGNORE_SECRET_CHANGES)" == "" ] ; then \
        printf "Found changes in the secret files => $(RED)ABORTING$(NO_COLOR)\n\n"; \
        printf "Use with IGNORE_SECRET_CHANGES=true to ignore this warning\n\n"; \
        make secret-diff; \
        exit 1; \
    @echo "No changes in the secret files!"

make secret-diff is used to check for differences between decrypted and encrypted secrets.

! make secret-diff checks if the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. This happens for instance, when the secrets have not been decrypted yet. The error is

git-secret: abort: file not found. Consider using 'git secret reveal': <missing-file>

If the command doesn't fail, the changes are displayed in a diff format, e.g.

 --- /dev/fd/63
 +++ /var/www/app/.secrets/shared/passwords.txt
 @@ -1 +1,2 @@

We use grep ^@@ to check the existence of a "line that starts with @@" to identify a change. If no changes are found, the info "No changes in the secret files!" is printed. Otherwise, a warning is shown. The check an be suppressed by passing IGNORE_SECRET_CHANGES=true.


.PHONY: deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes
deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes: ## Check if there are any git changes and abort if so. The check can be ignore by passing `IGNORE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES=true`
    if [ "$$(git status -s)" != "" ] && [ "$(IGNORE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES)" == "" ] ; then \
        printf "Found uncommitted changes in git => $(RED)ABORTING$(NO_COLOR)\n\n"; \
        printf "Use with IGNORE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES=true to ignore this warning\n\n"; \
        git status -s; \
        exit 1; \
    @echo "No uncommitted changes found!"

For deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes we use git status -s to check for any uncommitted changes. If no changes are found the info "No uncommitted changes found!" is printed. Otherwise, a warning is shown. The check an be suppressed by passing IGNORE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES=true.

The build-info file

When testing the deployments I often needed to identify small bugs in the code. The more complex the whole process gets, the more things can go wrong and the more "stuff needs to be checked". One of them is the code drift mentioned in the previous section, btw.

To make my life a little easier, I added a file called build-info that contains information about the build and will be stored in the docker images - allowing me to inspect the file later, see also section Show the build-info.

The file is created via deployment-create-build-info-file target

.PHONY: deployment-create-build-info-file
deployment-create-build-info-file: ## Create a file containing version information about the codebase
    @echo "BUILD INFO" > ".build/build-info"
    @echo "==========" >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "User  :" $$(whoami) >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "Date  :" $$(date --rfc-3339=seconds) >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "Branch:" $$(git branch --show-current) >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "" >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "Commit" >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "------" >> ".build/build-info"
    @git log -1 --no-color >> ".build/build-info"

The file is created on the host system under .build/build-info and then copied to ./build-info in the Dockerfile of the php-base image. To execute a shell command via $(command), the $ has to be escaped with another $, to not be interpreted by make as a variable. Example:


FYI: I learned that make converts all new lines in spaces when they are echo'd because I initially used

@echo $$(git log -1 --no-color) >> ".build/build-info"

instead of

@git log -1 --no-color >> ".build/build-info"

which would remove all new lines.

A final file build-info file looks like this:

User  : Pascal
Date  : 2022-05-22 17:10:21+02:00
Branch: part-9-deploy-docker-compose-php-gcp-poc

commit c47464536613874d192696d93d3c97b138c7a6be
Author: Pascal Landau <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun May 22 17:10:15 2022 +0200

    Testing the new `build-info` file

Build and push the docker images

make is initialized with ENV=prod, i.e. calling make docker-build will use the correct docker compose config for building production images. In addition, we have adjusted the DOCKER_REGISTRY to in the .make/variables.env file, so that the images will immediately be tagged correctly as$service-prod

# e.g. for `php-base`


$ make docker-build
ENV=prod TAG=latest DOCKER_NAMESPACE=dofroscra APP_USER_NAME=application APP_GROUP_NAME=application docker compose -p dofroscra_prod --env-file ./.docker/.env -f ./.docker/docker-compose/docker-compose-php-base.yml build php-base
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
# ...

$ docker image ls 
REPOSITORY                                          TAG     IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE        latest  2be3bec977de   24 seconds ago   147MB     latest  6dbf14d1b329   25 seconds ago   181MB       latest  9164976a78a6   32 seconds ago   130MB    latest  377fdee0f12a   32 seconds ago   130MB          latest  42dd1608d126   24 seconds ago   23.5MB

Thanks to the image name, we can also immediately push the images to the remote registry via make docker-push. Note, that we see a lot of Layer already exists infos in the console output for the php-fpm and php-worker images. This is due to the fact that we use a common php-base base image for application, php-fpm and php-worker, i.e. those images have a lot of layers in common and only the layers of application are pushed. docker uses the layer hash to identify which layers already exist.

$ make docker-push
ENV=prod TAG=latest DOCKER_NAMESPACE=dofroscra APP_USER_NAME=application APP_GROUP_NAME=application docker compose -p dofroscra_prod --env-file ./.docker/.env -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ push
mysql Skipped
redis Skipped
Pushing application: c8f4416c4383 Preparing
Pushing application: 6bbfa8829d07 Pushing [==================================================>]  3.584kB
Pushing php-worker: 6bbfa8829d07 Layer already exists
Pushing php-fpm: 6bbfa8829d07 Layer already exists

Create the deployment archive

As described in the introduction of the Deployment workflow, we need to make our make and docker setup somehow available on the VM. We will solve this issue by creating a tar archive with all necessary files locally and transfer it to the VM.

The archive is created via the deployment-create-tar target

.PHONY: deployment-create-tar
    # create the build directory
    rm -rf .build/deployment
    mkdir -p .build/deployment
    # copy the necessary files
    mkdir -p .build/deployment/.docker/docker-compose/
    cp -r .docker/docker-compose/ .build/deployment/.docker/
    cp -r .make .build/deployment/
    cp Makefile .build/deployment/
    cp .infrastructure/scripts/ .build/deployment/
    # make sure we don't have any .env files in the build directory (don't wanna leak any secrets) ...
    find .build/deployment -name '.env' -delete
    # ... apart from the .env file we need to start docker
    cp .secrets/prod/docker.env .build/deployment/.docker/.env
    # create the archive
    tar -czvf .build/deployment.tar.gz -C .build/deployment/ ./

The recipe uses the .build/deployment directory as a temporary location to store all necessary files, i.e.

  • the docker compose config files in .docker/docker-compose/
  • the Makefile and the .make directory in the root of the codebase for the make setup
  • the .infrastructure/scripts/ script to run the deployment

In addition, we copy the .secrets/prod/docker.env file to use it as the .env file for docker compose. Caution: This only works, because we have verified previously that there are no changes between the decrypted and encrypted .secret files (which also means that .secrets/prod/docker.env is already decrypted).

Once all files are copied, the whole directory is added to the .build/deployment.tar.gz archive via

tar -czvf .build/deployment.tar.gz -C .build/deployment/ ./

The -C .build/deployment/ option makes sure that the directory structure is retained when extracting the archive. For the remaining options take a look at How to create tar.gz file in Linux using command line.

Deployment commands on the VM

Once the creation of the deployment archive is done, we can transfer the resulting .build/deployment.tar.gz file to the VM, extract it and run the deployment script. All of that is done via the deployment-run-on-vm target

# directory on the VM that will contain the files to start the docker setup

.PHONY: deployment-run-on-vm
deployment-run-on-vm:## Run the deployment script on the VM
    "$(MAKE)" -s gcp-scp-command SOURCE=".build/deployment.tar.gz" DESTINATION="deployment.tar.gz"
    "$(MAKE)" -s gcp-ssh-command COMMAND="sudo rm -rf $(CODEBASE_DIRECTORY) && sudo mkdir -p $(CODEBASE_DIRECTORY) && sudo tar -xzvf deployment.tar.gz -C $(CODEBASE_DIRECTORY) && cd $(CODEBASE_DIRECTORY) && sudo bash"

Under the hood, the target uses the gcp-scp-command and gcp-ssh-command targets. The deployment archive is extracted in /tmp/codebase via

sudo rm -rf /tmp/codebase && sudo mkdir -p /tmp/codebase && sudo tar -xzvf deployment.tar.gz -C /tmp/codebase

and then the deployment script is executed

cd /tmp/codebase && sudo bash

All of those commands are run in a single invocation of gcp-ssh-command, because there's a certain overhead involved when tunneling commands via IAP, i.e. each invocation takes a couple of seconds.

The script

The actual deployment is done "on the VM" via the .infrastructure/scripts/ script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Retrieving secrets"
make gcp-secret-get SECRET_NAME=GPG_KEY > secret.gpg
echo "Creating compose-secrets.env file"
echo "GPG_PASSWORD=$GPG_PASSWORD" > compose-secrets.env
echo "Initializing the codebase"
make make-init ENVS="ENV=prod TAG=latest"
echo "Pulling images on the VM from the registry"
make docker-pull
echo "Stop the containers on the VM"
make docker-down || true
echo "Start the containers on the VM"
make docker-up

The script is located at the root of the codebase and

  • will first retrieve the GPG_KEY and the GPG_PASSWORD values that we created previously in the Secret Manager
  • then the make setup is initialized for the prod environment via bash make-init ENVS="ENV=prod TAG=latest" so that all subsequent docker-* targets use the correct configuration
  • and finally, the docker images we pushed in step "Build and push the docker images" are pulled, any running containers are stopped and the whole docker setup is started with the new images
    • FYI: docker compose down would fail (exit with a non-zero status code) if no containers are running. Since this is fine for us (we simply want to ensure that no containers are running), the command is OR'd via make docker-down || true so that the script won't stop if that happens.

Codebase changes

Before we dive into the docker stuff, let's quickly talk about some cleanup work in the codebase that you can get via part-9-deploy-docker-compose-php-gcp-poc.

Restructure the codebase

The .build directory

We already know this directory from the previous tutorial where we used it as a temporary directory to collect build artifacts from the CI pipeline. Now, we will make use of it again as a temporary directory to

The files in the directory are ignored via .gitignore as they are only temporarily required

# File: .gitignore


However, since the build-info file must be passed to docker, we will have a slight deviation between the .gitignore and the .dockerignore file.

# File: .dockerignore


# kept files

I'm mentioning this here specifically, because we usually strive for a parity between .gitignore and .dockerignore.

The .secrets directory

Since we will store all secrets for all environments in the codebase, we will organize them by environment as subdirectories in a new .secrets directory:

├── ci
│   └── ci-secret.txt.secret
├── prod
│   ├── app.env.secret
│   └── docker.env.secret
└── shared
    └── passwords.txt.secret

This will also make it easier to pick the correct files per environment when building the docker image and select them for decryption in the ENTRYPOINT.

The .secrets/shared/ directory contains all secret files that are required by all environments, whereas .secrets/ci/ contains only ci secrets and .secrets/prod/ contains only prod secrets, respectively.

In our codebase there are already two files that contain actual secrets: The .env file and the .docker/.env file. Both of them contain the credentials for mysql and redis, and the .env file also contains the APP_KEY that is used by Laravel to encrypt cookies

Laravel uses the [APP_KEY] for all encrypted cookies, including the session cookie, before handing them off to the user's browser, and it uses it to decrypt cookies read from the browser.

# File: .env

# File: .docker/.env


I have created the encrypted .secret files by moving the unencrypted files to the .secrets/ directory and made sure to add them to the .gitignore file with the rules

# ...


Then I ran

make secret-add FILES=".secrets/*/*"

make secret-encrypt
$ make secret-add FILES=".secrets/*/*"
"C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/make" -s git-secret ARGS="add .secrets/*/*"
git-secret: 4 item(s) added.

$ make secret-encrypt
"C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/make" -s git-secret ARGS="hide"
git-secret: done. 4 of 4 files are hidden.

The .tutorial directory

I have mentioned before, that I would normally not store secret gpg keys in the repository, but I'm still doing it in this tutorial so that it's easier to follow along. To make clear which files are affected by this "exception to the rule", I have moved them in a dedicated .tutorial directory:

├── secret-ci-protected.gpg.example
├── secret-production-protected.gpg.example
└── secret.gpg.example

The .infrastructure directory

The .infrastructure directory contains all files that are used to manage the infrastructure and deployments. The directory was introduced in the previous part and looks as follows

├── scripts/
│     ├──
│     └──
  • the scripts directory contains files that are transferred to and then executed on the VM
  • is run to set up a VM initially and was described in more detail under Putting it all together

Add a gpg key for production

We have created a new gpg key pair for the prod environment when setting up the VM on GCP. The secret key is located at .tutorial/secret-production-protected.gpg.example and the public key at .dev/gpg-keys/production-public.gpg.

Show the build-info

As part of the deployment, we generate a build-info file that allows us to understand "which version of the codebase lives inside a container". This file is located at the root of the repository, and we expose it as the web route /info (via the php-fpm container) and as the command info (via the application container).


# ...

Route::get('/info', function () {
    $info = file_get_contents(__DIR__."/../build-info");
    return new \Illuminate\Http\Response($info, 200, ["Content-type" => "text/plain"]);

Show via curl http://localhost/info


# ...

Artisan::command('info', function () {
    $info = file_get_contents(__DIR__."/../build-info");
})->purpose('Display build information about the codebase');

Show via php artisan info

Optimize .gitignore

Laravel uses multiple .gitignore files to retain a directory structure, because empty directories cannot be added to git. This is a valid strategy, but it makes understanding "what is actually ignored" more complex.

In addition, it makes it harder to keep .gitignore and .dockerignore in sync, because we can't simply "copy the contents of the ./.gitignore" any longer as it might not contain all rules.

Thus, I have identified all directory-specific .gitignore files via

find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -name .gitignore -print
find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -name .gitignore -print

CAUTION: Usually, the files simply contain the rules


The only exception is ./database/.gitignore which contains


TBH, I would consider this rather a bug, because this rule SHOULD actually live the main .gitignore file. But for us it means, that we need to keep this rule as


Before we add them to the .gitignore file, it is important to understand how git handles the gitignore file

An optional prefix "!" which negates the pattern; any matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become included again. It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded. Git doesn’t list excluded directories for performance reasons, so any patterns on contained files have no effect, no matter where they are defined.

In other words: Consider the following structure

└── app
    ├── .gitignore
    └── public
        └── .gitignore

We might be tempted to write the rules as


But that won't work as expected: storage/app/* ignores "everything" in the storage/app/ directory, so that git wouldn't even look into the storage/app/public/ directory and thus wouldn't find the storage/app/public/.gitignore file! In consequence, the rule !storage/app/public/.gitignore doesn't have any affect and the file would not be added to the git repository.

Instead, I need to allow the public directory explicitly by adding the rule !storage/app/public/ and ignore all files in it apart from the .gitignore file via storage/app/public/*. So we are essentially saying:

  • ignore all files in the storage/app/ directory
  • but NOT the storage/app/public/ directory ITSELF
  • though do still ignore all files IN the storage/app/public/ directory
  • but NOT the storage/app/public/.gitignore file
# ignore all files in the storage/app/ directory
# but NOT the storage/app/public/ directory ITSELF
# do still ignore all files IN storage/app/public/
# but NOT the storage/app/public/.gitignore file

We can simplify the rules a little more via !**.gitignore, i.e. all gitignore files in any directory should be included



So the final rules for all directory-specific .gitignore files become



Caution: If Laravel changes the rules for their directory-specific .gitignore files, we must adjust our rules as well! Luckily this usually only happens on major version upgrades, though.

The full .gitignore file becomes


# => directory-specific .gitignore files by Laravel

# => directory-specific .gitignore files from us

# => keep ALL .gitignore files

It will be "synced" later with the .dockerignore file.

Docker changes

For this tutorial we will use docker compose to build the containers as well as to run them "in production", i.e. on the GCP VM. The docker compose configuration will essentially be a combination of the local and ci config from the previous tutorials:

In the previous tutorial we have used the environment (ci) to identify the necessary docker-compose.yml configuration files and also as a new build target in the Dockerfiles. We'll stick to this process and add yet another environment called prod.

A .env file for prod

For our local and ci environments we didn't really care about the .env file that we used for docker compose and have simply added a ready-to-use template at .docker/.env.example that is NOT ignored by git. Even though the file contains credentials, e.g. for mysql and redis, it's okay if those are "exposed" in the repository, because we won't store any production data in those databases in local and ci.

For prod however, the situation is different: We certainly do NOT want to expose the credentials. Luckily we already have git secret set up and thus could simply add an encrypted template file at .secrets/prod/docker.env. We will later decrypt the file and add it to the deployment archive to transfer it to the VM in order to start the docker setup there.

Updating the docker-compose.yml configuration files

We will use the same technique as before to "assemble" our docker compose configuration, i.e. we use multiple compose files with environment specific settings. For prod, we use the files

The assembling is once again performed via Makefile.

This file was simply renamed from file It contains

  • network and volume definitions

        driver: ${NETWORKS_DRIVER?}
        name: mysql-${ENV?}
        driver: ${VOLUMES_DRIVER?}
        name: redis-${ENV?}
        driver: ${VOLUMES_DRIVER?}
  • the build instructions for the application service yaml application: image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY?}/${DOCKER_NAMESPACE?}/application-${ENV?}:${TAG?} build: context: ../ dockerfile: ./images/php/application/Dockerfile target: ${ENV?} args: - BASE_IMAGE=${DOCKER_REGISTRY?}/${DOCKER_NAMESPACE?}/php-base-${ENV?}:${TAG?} - ENV=${ENV?}
  • the configuration for the mysql and redis services

      image: mysql:${MYSQL_VERSION?}
      platform: linux/amd64
        - MYSQL_DATABASE=${MYSQL_DATABASE:-application_db}
        - MYSQL_USER=${MYSQL_USER:-application_user}
        - TZ=${TIMEZONE:-UTC}
        - network
        test: mysqladmin ping -h -u $$MYSQL_USER --password=$$MYSQL_PASSWORD
        timeout: 1s
        retries: 30
        interval: 2s
      image: redis:${REDIS_VERSION?}
      command: >
        --requirepass ${REDIS_PASSWORD?}
        - network

This file is based on the docker-compose.local.yml of the previous tutorial without any settings for local development. It contains

  • build instructions for the php-fpm, php-worker and nginx services (because we didn't need those in the configuration for the ci environment)

      image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY?}/${DOCKER_NAMESPACE?}/php-fpm-${ENV?}:${TAG?}
        context: ../
        dockerfile: ./images/php/fpm/Dockerfile
        target: ${ENV?}
          - BASE_IMAGE=${DOCKER_REGISTRY?}/${DOCKER_NAMESPACE?}/php-base-${ENV?}:${TAG?}
      image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY?}/${DOCKER_NAMESPACE?}/php-worker-${ENV?}:${TAG?}
        context: ../
        dockerfile: ./images/php/worker/Dockerfile
        target: ${ENV?}
          - BASE_IMAGE=${DOCKER_REGISTRY?}/${DOCKER_NAMESPACE?}/php-base-${ENV?}:${TAG?}
      image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY?}/${DOCKER_NAMESPACE?}/nginx-${ENV?}:${TAG?}
        context: ../
        dockerfile: ./images/nginx/Dockerfile
        target: ${ENV?}
        - "${NGINX_HOST_HTTP_PORT:-80}:80"
        - "${NGINX_HOST_HTTPS_PORT:-443}:443"
  • port forwarding for the nginx service, because we want to forward incoming requests on the VM to the nginx docker container

        - "${NGINX_HOST_HTTP_PORT:-80}:80"
        - "${NGINX_HOST_HTTPS_PORT:-443}:443"
  • volume configuration for the mysql and redis services

        - mysql:/var/lib/mysql
        - redis:/data

The following settings are only retained in docker-compose.local.yml

  • bind mount of the codebase

  • port sharing with the host system (excluding nginx ports)

        - "${APPLICATION_SSH_HOST_PORT:-2222}:22"
        - "${MYSQL_HOST_PORT:-3306}:6379"
        - "${REDIS_HOST_PORT:-6379}:6379"
  • any settings for local dev tools for all php images (application, php-fpm, php-worker)

        - "SYS_PTRACE"
        - "seccomp=unconfined"

In this file,

Adjust the .dockerignore file

Since we have modified the .gitignore file , we need to adjust the .dockerignore file as well. In addition to the gitignore rules, we need three additional rules:

  1. .git: Known from the previous tutorial. We don't need to transfer the .git directory to the build context
  2. !.build/build-info: We don't need the content of the .build/ directory, but we do need the the build-info file
  3. vendor/**: Has to be added as a workaround for the docker compose bug Inconsistent ".dockerignore" behavior between "docker build" and "docker compose build" that causes docker compose build to include .gitignore files in the vendor/ directory. This would mess with the build of the php-base image as we expect that no vendor/ folder exists

So the full .dockerignore file becomes

# ---
# Rules from .gitignore
# ---

# => directory-specific .gitignore files by Laravel

# => directory-specific .gitignore files from us

# => keep ALL .gitignore files

# ---
# Rules specifically for .dockerignore
# ---

# => don't transfer the git directory

# => keep the build-info file

# temporary fix for
# Otherwise, `docker compose build` would transfer the `.gitignore` files 
# in the vendor/ directory to the build context

Build target: prod

For building the images for the prod environment, we stick to the technique of the previous tutorial once again. In short:

  • initialize the make setup for ENV=prod via bash make make-init ENVS="ENV=prod" so that all subsequent make invocations use ENV=prod by default, see also section Initialize the shared variables of the previous tutorial
  • the ENV is passed as environment variable to the docker compose command as defined in the .make/ Makefile include AND the config files for prod are selected bash ENV=prod docker compose -p -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/
  • the ENV environment variable is used to define the target property as well as the image name in the docker compose config files. This can be verified via make docker-config, for instance text $ make docker-config services: application: build: target: prod image: # ...

For ci we only needed the php-base images as well as the application image. For prod however, we need all images.

Build stage prod in the php-base image

We will re-use a lot of the code that we used in the previous tutorial to build the php-base image - so I'd recommend giving the corresponding section Build stage ci in the php-base image a look if anything is not clear.

The relevant parts of the .docker/images/php/base/Dockerfile will be explained in the following sections but are also shown here for the sake of a better overview:

FROM composer:${COMPOSER_VERSION} as composer
FROM alpine:${ALPINE_VERSION} as base


RUN apk add --no-cache php8~=${TARGET_PHP_VERSION}

COPY --from=composer /usr/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/composer


FROM base as codebase

# By only copying the composer files required to run composer install
# the layer will be cached and only invalidated when the composer dependencies are changed
COPY ./composer.json /dependencies/
COPY ./composer.lock /dependencies/

# use a cache mount to cache the composer dependencies
# this is essentially a cache that lives in Docker BuildKit (i.e. has nothing to do with the host system) 
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/tmp/.composer \
    cd /dependencies && \
    # COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer sets the home directory of composer that
    # also controls where composer looks for the cache 
    # so we don't have to download dependencies again (if they are cached)
    # @see for the correct if-then-else syntax:
    # - end all commands with ; \
    # - except THEN and ELSE
    if [ "$ENV" == "prod" ] ; \
    then \
      # on production, we don't want test dependencies
      COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer composer install --no-scripts --no-plugins --no-progress -o --no-dev; \
    else  \
      COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer composer install --no-scripts --no-plugins --no-progress -o; \

# copy the full codebase
COPY ../_blog /codebase

# move the dependencies
RUN mv /dependencies/vendor /codebase/vendor

# remove files we don't require in the image to keep the image size small
RUN cd /codebase && \
    rm -rf .docker/ .build/ .infrastructure/ && \
    if [ "$ENV" == "prod" ] ; \
    then \
      # on production, we don't want tests
      rm -rf tests/; \

# Remove all secrets that are NOT required for the given ENV:
#  `find /codebase/.secrets -type f -print` lists all files in the .secrets directory
#  `grep -v "/\(shared\|$ENV\)/"` matches only the files that are NOT in the shared/ or $ENV/ (e.g. prod/) directories
#  `grep -v ".secret\$"` ensures that we remove all files that are NOT ending in .secret
#    FYI: 
#     the "$" has to be escaped with a "\" 
#     "Escaping is possible by adding a \ before the variable"
#     @see
#  `xargs rm -f` retrieves the remaining file and deletes them
#    FYI: 
#     `xargs` is necessary to convert the stdin to args for `rm`
#     @see
#     the `-f` flag is required so that `rm` doesn't fail if no files are matched
RUN find /codebase/.secrets -type f -print | grep -v "/\(shared\|$ENV\)/" | xargs rm -f && \
    find /codebase/.secrets -type f -print | grep -v ".secret\$" | xargs rm -f && \
    # list the remaining files for debugging purposes
    find /codebase/.secrets -type f -print

# We need a git repository for git-secret to work (can be an empty one)
RUN cd /codebase && \
    git init

FROM base as prod

# We will use a custom ENTRYPOINT to decrypt the secrets when the container starts.
# This way, we can store the secrets in their encrypted form directly in the image.
# Note: Because we defined a custom ENTRYPOINT, the default CMD of the base image
#       will be overriden. Thus, we must explicitly re-define it here via `CMD ["/bin/sh"]`.
#       This behavior is described in the docs as:
#       "If CMD is defined from the base image, setting ENTRYPOINT will reset CMD to an empty value. In this scenario, CMD must be defined in the current image to have a value."
#       @see
COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/ /
RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["/bin/sh"]

COPY --from=codebase --chown=$APP_USER_NAME:$APP_GROUP_NAME /codebase $APP_CODE_PATH

COPY --chown=$APP_USER_NAME:$APP_GROUP_NAME ./.build/build-info $APP_CODE_PATH/build-info

ENV based branching

So far, we have used the ENV to determine the final build stage of the docker image, by using it as value for the target property in the docker compose config files. This introduces a certain level of flexibility, but we would be forced to duplicate code if the same logic is required for multiple ENV that use different build stages.

For RUN statements we can achieve branching on a more granular level by using if...else conditions. The syntax is described in
this SO answer to "Dockerfile if else condition with external arguments":

  • place a \ at the end of each line
  • end each command with ;


RUN if [ "$ENV" == "prod" ] ; \
    then \
      echo "ENV is prod"; \
    else \
      echo "ENV is NOT prod"; \

This works, because we don't just use the ENV as the build target, but we also pass it as a build argument in the .docker/docker-compose/docker-compose-php-base.yml file:

    image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY?}/${DOCKER_NAMESPACE?}/php-base-${ENV?}:${TAG?}
        - ENV=${ENV?}
      target: ${ENV?}

Avoid composer dev dependencies

A production image should only contain the dependencies that are necessary to run the code in production. This explicitly excludes dependencies that are only required for development or testing.

This isn't only about image size, but also about security. E.g. take a look at CVE-2017-9841 - a remote code execution vulnerability in phpunit. In a blog post (german) Sebastian Bergmann (creator of PHPUnit) mentions that

A dependency like PHPUnit, that is only required for the developing the software but not running it, is not supposed to be deployed to the production system

Thus, we will add the --no-dev flag of the composer install command for ENV=prod:

FROM base as codebase

# ...

RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/tmp/.composer \
    cd /dependencies && \
    if [ "$ENV" == "prod" ] ; \
    then \
      COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer composer install --no-scripts --no-plugins --no-progress -o --no-dev; \
    else  \
      COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer composer install --no-scripts --no-plugins --no-progress -o; \

Note: See also section Build the dependencies of the previous tutorial for an explanation of the --mount=type=cache,target=/tmp/.composer part.

Remove unnecessary directories

We already learned that no unnecessary stuff should end up in the image. This doesn't stop at composer dependencies but does in our case also include some other directories:

FROM base as codebase

# ...

RUN cd /codebase && \
    rm -rf .docker/ .build/ .infrastructure/ && \
    if [ "$ENV" == "prod" ] ; \
    then \
      rm -rf tests/; \

Remove secrets for other environments

We have re-organized the secrets previously so that all secrets for an environment are located in the corresponding .secrets/$ENV/ subdirectory. We can now make use of that separation to keep only the secret files that we actually need. This adds an additional layer of security, because everybody with a correct secret gpg key file can decrypt all the secrets. But: If our "prod secrets" don't even exist in the "ci images" they also cannot be leaked if ci is compromised.

FROM base as codebase

# ...

RUN find /codebase/.secrets -type f -print | grep -v "/\(shared\|$ENV\)/" | xargs rm -f && \
    find /codebase/.secrets -type f -print | grep -v ".secret\$" | xargs rm -f && \
    # list the remaining files for debugging purposes
    find /codebase/.secrets -type f -print


  • find /codebase/.secrets -type f -print lists all files in the .secrets directory
  • grep -v "/\(shared\|$ENV\)/" matches only the files that are NOT in the shared/ or $ENV/ (e.g. prod/) directories
  • grep -v ".secret\$" ensures that we remove all files that are NOT ending in .secret
    • as per documentation, the $ has to be escaped with a \ > "Escaping is possible by adding a \ before the variable"
  • xargs rm -f retrieves the remaining file and deletes them

Decrypt the secrets via ENTRYPOINT

In the CI pipeline setup we decrypt the secret files in a manual step after the containers have been started, see Run details:

[...] then, the docker setup is started [...] and gpg is initialized so that the secrets can be decrypted

   make gpg-init
   make secret-decrypt-with-password

It "works" as long as no secrets are required when the container starts. This is unfortunately no longer the case, because the php-worker container will start its workers immediately, and they require a valid .env file - but the .env file for prod (app.env) is only stored encrypted in the image. Thus, we must ensure that the secrets are decrypted as soon as the container starts - preferably before any other command is run. This sounds like the perfect job for ENTRYPOINT:

the ENTRYPOINT is executed every time we run a container. Some things can't be done during build but only at runtime [...] - ENTRYPOINT is a good solution for that problem

In our case, the ENTRYPOINT should

  • initialize gpg (i.e. "read the secret gpg key") via bash make gpg-init
  • decrypt the secrets via bash make secret-decrypt
  • move/copy the decrypted files if necessary
    bash cp .secrets/prod/app.env .env

and I have created a corresponding script at .docker/images/php/base/

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# exit immediately on error
set -e

# initialize make

# read the secret gpg key
make gpg-init

# Only decrypt files required for production
files=$(make secret-list | grep "/\(shared\|prod\)/" | tr '\n' ' ')
make secret-decrypt-with-password FILES="$files"

cp .secrets/prod/app.env .env

# treat this script as a "decorator" and execute any other command after running it
# @see
exec "$@"


  • make make-init ENVS="ENV=prod GPG_PASSWORD=$GPG_PASSWORD" initializes make and requires that an environment variable named $GPG_PASSWORD exists
  • make gpg-init requires that a secret gpg key exists at ./secret.gpg (see Local git-secret and gpg setup)
  • files=$(make secret-list | grep "/\(shared\|prod\)/" | tr '\n' ' ') retrieves all secret files that are relevant for production
    • make secret-list will list all secret files
    • grep "/\(shared\|prod\)/" reduces the list to only the ones in the .secrets/shared/ and .secrets/prod/ directories
    • tr '\n' ' ' replaces new lines with spaces in the result so that the $files variable can be passed savely as an argument to the next command
  • via make secret-decrypt-with-password FILES="$files"

    • we make sure to only decrypt files that are relevant for production. This is important, because the prod image only contains production secrets. Secrets for any other environment will not be part of the image. If we wouldn't provide a dedicated list of files, git-secret would attempt to decrypt all secrets that it knows and would fail if an encrypted file is missing with the error
    gpg: can't open '/missing-file.secret': No such file or directory
    gpg: decrypt_message failed: No such file or directory
    git-secret: abort: problem decrypting file with gpg: exit code 2: /missing-file
    • in addition, the secret-decrypt-with-password target expects that the GPG_PASSWORD variable is populated (see first point).
  • the last line exec "$@" ensures that everything "works as before", i.e. the same ENTRYPOINT / CMD is used in the containers (e.g. php-fpm will still invoke the php-fpm process once the secrets have been decrypted)

The final code in the Dockerfile looks like this:

FROM base as prod

COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/ /
RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["/bin/sh"]

Note: Because we defined a custom ENTRYPOINT, the default CMD of the base image will be overridden. Thus, we must explicitly re-define it here via CMD ["/bin/sh"]. This behavior is also described in the docs:

If CMD is defined from the base image, setting ENTRYPOINT will reset CMD to an empty value. In this scenario, CMD must be defined in the current image to have a value.

Copy codebase and build-info file

As before, we will copy the final "build artifact" from the codebase build stage to only retain a single layer in the image. In addition, we also copy the build-info file from ./.build/build-info to the root of the codebase.

FROM base as prod

COPY --from=codebase --chown=$APP_USER_NAME:$APP_GROUP_NAME /codebase $APP_CODE_PATH

COPY --chown=$APP_USER_NAME:$APP_GROUP_NAME ./.build/build-info $APP_CODE_PATH/build-info

Build stage prod in the remaining images

In the remaining images for nginx, php-fpm, php-worker and application, there are no dedicated instructions for the prod target. We must still define the build stage, though, via

FROM base as prod

Otherwise, the build would fail with the error

failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: target stage prod could not be found

Makefile changes

I have updated the default help target that prints all available commands to also include some information about the current environment (usually set e.g. via make make-init ENVS="ENV=prod"). The full recipe is

    @printf '%-43s \033[1mDefault values: \033[0m     \n'
    @printf '%-43s ===================================\n'
    @printf '%-43s ENV: \033[31m "$(ENV)" \033[0m     \n'
    @printf '%-43s TAG: \033[31m "$(TAG)" \033[0m     \n'
    @printf '%-43s ===================================\n'
    @printf '%-43s \033[3mRun the following command to set them:\033[0m\n'
    @printf '%-43s \033[1mmake make-init ENVS="ENV=prod TAG=latest"\033[0m\n'
    @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\n\033[1mUsage:\033[0m\n  make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?##/ { printf "  \033[36m%-40s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' Makefile .make/*.mk

and will now print a header showing the values of the $(ENV) and $(TAG) variables:

$ make
                                            Default values:
                                            ENV:  "local"
                                            TAG:  "latest"
                                            Run the following command to set them:
                                            make make-init ENVS="ENV=prod TAG=latest"

  make <target>

  make-init                                 Initializes the local .makefile/.env file with ENV variables for make. Use via ENVS="KEY_1=value1 KEY_2=value2"

[Application: Setup]

Adding GCP values to .make/variables.env

The .make/variables.env file contains the "default" shared variables, that are neither "secret" nor likely to be changed (see Initialize the shared variables).

Those variables include the "ingredients" for the image naming convention


Since we will now use our own registry, we need to change the DOCKER_REGISTRY value from to (see section Pushing images to the registry).

In addition, we will need three more GCP specific variables that are required for the new gcloud cli make targets:

So the full content of .make/variables.env becomes

ENV based docker compose config

We use the same technique as described in the previous tutorial to assemble the docker compose config files by adding the config files for ENV=prod and the corresponding DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILES definition in .make/

ENV based docker compose config for the prod environment

# File .make/

# ...



ifeq ($(ENV),prod)
else ifeq ($(ENV),ci)
else ifeq ($(ENV),local)


FYI: There is no dedicated docker compose config file for settings that only affect ci and prod (i.e.

The "final" $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILES) variable will look like this:

-f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/

and the "full" $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) variable like this:

ENV=prod TAG=latest DOCKER_NAMESPACE=dofroscra APP_USER_NAME=application APP_GROUP_NAME=application docker compose -p dofroscra_prod --env-file ./.docker/.env -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/

DOCKER_COMPOSE command for the prod environment

Changes to the git-secret recipes

The git-secret recipes are defined in and have been added originally in Use git secret to encrypt secrets in the repository: Makefile adjustments.

I have modified the targets secret-decrypt and secret-decrypt-with-password to accept an optional list of files to decrypt via the FILES variable. If the variable is empty, all files are decrypted. This is required for the script, because we will only store the secrets that are relevant for the curently built environment in the image and the decryption would fail if we attempted to decrypt files that don't exist.

# ...

.PHONY: secret-decrypt
secret-decrypt: ## Decrypt secret files via `git-secret reveal -f`. Use FILES=file1 to decrypt only file1 instead of all files
    "$(MAKE)" -s git-secret ARGS="reveal -f $(FILES)"

.PHONY: secret-decrypt-with-password
secret-decrypt-with-password: ## Decrypt secret files using a password for gpg. Use FILES=file1 to decrypt only file1 instead of all files
    @$(if $(GPG_PASSWORD),,$(error GPG_PASSWORD is undefined))
    "$(MAKE)" -s git-secret ARGS="reveal -f -p $(GPG_PASSWORD) $(FILES)" 

In addition, I made a minor adjustment to the targets secret-add, secret-cat and secret-remove to use the variable name FILES (plural) instead of FILE, because all of them can also work with a list of files instead of just a single one.

Additional docker recipes

The following targets have been added to .make/

    @echo "# This file only exists because docker compose cannot run `build` otherwise," > ./compose-secrets.env
    @echo "# because it is referenced as an `env_file` in the docker compose config file" > ./compose-secrets.env
    @echo "# for the `prod` environment. On `prod` it will contain the necessary ENV variables," > ./compose-secrets.env
    @echo "# but on all other environments this 'placeholder' file is created." > ./compose-secrets.env
    @echo "# The file is generated automatically via `make` if a docker compose target is executed" > ./compose-secrets.env
    @echo "# @see" > ./compose-secrets.env

.PHONY: docker-push
docker-push: validate-docker-variables ## Push all docker images to the remote repository
    $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) push $(ARGS)

.PHONY: docker-pull
docker-pull: validate-docker-variables ## Pull all docker images from the remote repository
    $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) pull $(ARGS)

.PHONY: docker-exec
docker-exec: validate-docker-variables ## Execute a command in a docker container. Usage: `make docker-exec DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME="application" DOCKER_COMMAND="echo 'Hello world!'"`
    @$(if $(DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME),,$(error "DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME is undefined"))
    @$(if $(DOCKER_COMMAND),,$(error "DOCKER_COMMAND is undefined"))

# @see
# helpful to debug a .dockerignore file
.PHONY: docker-show-build-context
docker-show-build-context: ## Show all files that are in the docker build context for `docker build`
    @echo -e "FROM busybox\nCOPY . /codebase\nCMD find /codebase -print" | docker image build --no-cache -t build-context -f - .
    @docker run --rm build-context | sort

# `docker build` and `docker compose build` are behaving differently
# @see
.PHONY: docker-show-compose-build-context
docker-show-compose-build-context: ## Show all files that are in the docker build context for `docker compose build`

# Note: This is only a temporary target until is fixed
.PHONY: docker-fix-mount-permissions
docker-fix-mount-permissions: ## Fix the permissions of the bind-mounted folder, @see

GCP recipes

For the deployment, we need to communicate with the VM and will use the gcloud cli to run SSH commands via IAP tunneling. The cli requires a couple of default parameters like the VM name, the project id, the availability zone and the location of the key file for the service account, that we conveniently defined in the .make/variables.env file.

The GCP targets are defined in .make/

##@ [GCP]

.PHONY: gcp-init
gcp-init: validate-gcp-variables ## Initialize the `gcloud` cli and authenticate docker with the keyfile defined via GCP_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.
    @$(if $(GCP_PROJECT_ID),,$(error "GCP_PROJECT_ID is undefined"))
    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="$(GCP_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY)" --project="$(GCP_PROJECT_ID)"
    cat "$(GCP_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY)" | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin

.PHONY: validate-gcp-variables
    @$(if $(GCP_PROJECT_ID),,$(error "GCP_PROJECT_ID is undefined"))
    @$(if $(GCP_ZONE),,$(error "GCP_ZONE is undefined"))
    @$(if $(GCP_VM_NAME),,$(error "GCP_VM_NAME is undefined"))

# @see
.PHONY: gcp-ssh-command
gcp-ssh-command: validate-gcp-variables ## Run an arbitrary SSH command on the VM via IAP tunnel. Usage: `make gcp-ssh-command COMMAND="whoami"`
    @$(if $(COMMAND),,$(error "COMMAND is undefined"))
    gcloud compute ssh $(GCP_VM_NAME) --project $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) --zone $(GCP_ZONE) --tunnel-through-iap --command="$(COMMAND)"

.PHONY: gcp-ssh-login
gcp-ssh-login: validate-gcp-variables ## Log into a VM via IAP tunnel
    gcloud compute ssh $(GCP_VM_NAME) --project $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) --zone $(GCP_ZONE) --tunnel-through-iap

# @see
.PHONY: gcp-scp-command
gcp-scp-command: validate-gcp-variables ## Copy a file via scp to the VM via IAP tunnel. Usage: `make gcp-scp-command SOURCE="foo" DESTINATION="bar"`
    @$(if $(SOURCE),,$(error "SOURCE is undefined"))
    @$(if $(DESTINATION),,$(error "DESTINATION is undefined"))
    gcloud compute scp $(SOURCE) $(GCP_VM_NAME):$(DESTINATION) --project $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) --zone $(GCP_ZONE) --tunnel-through-iap

# Defines the default secret version to retrieve from the Secret Manager

# @see
.PHONY: gcp-secret-get
gcp-secret-get: ## Retrieve and print the secret $(SECRET_NAME) in version $(SECRET_VERSION) from the Secret Manager
    @$(if $(SECRET_NAME),,$(error "SECRET_NAME is undefined"))
    @$(if $(SECRET_VERSION),,$(error "SECRET_VERSION is undefined"))
    @gcloud secrets versions access $(SECRET_VERSION) --secret=$(SECRET_NAME)

.PHONY: gcp-docker-exec
gcp-docker-exec: ## Run a command in a docker container on the VM. Usage: `make gcp-docker-exec DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME="application" DOCKER_COMMAND="echo 'Hello world!'"`
    @$(if $(DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME),,$(error "DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME is undefined"))
    @$(if $(DOCKER_COMMAND),,$(error "DOCKER_COMMAND is undefined"))

# @see
.PHONY: gcp-show-ip
gcp-show-ip: ## Show the IP address of the VM specified by GCP_VM_NAME.
    gcloud compute instances describe $(GCP_VM_NAME) --zone $(GCP_ZONE) --project=$(GCP_PROJECT_ID) --format='get(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)'

Infrastructure recipes

For the infrastructure, we currently only have a single target defined in the .make/ file

##@ [Infrastructure]

.PHONY: infrastructure-setup-vm
infrastructure-setup-vm: ## Set the GCP VM up
    bash .infrastructure/   

Deployment recipes

The Deployment workflow is described in more detail in the following section, thus I'll only show the corresponding targets defined in .make/ here

##@ [Deployment]

.PHONY: deploy
deploy: # Build all images and deploy them to GCP
    @printf "$(GREEN)Switching to 'local' environment$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory make-init
    @printf "$(GREEN)Starting docker setup locally$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory docker-up
    @printf "$(GREEN)Verifying that there are no changes in the secrets$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory gpg-init
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-guard-secret-changes
    @printf "$(GREEN)Verifying that there are no uncommitted changes in the codebase$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes
    @printf "$(GREEN)Initializing gcloud$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory gcp-init
    @printf "$(GREEN)Switching to 'prod' environment$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory make-init ENVS="ENV=prod TAG=latest"
    @printf "$(GREEN)Creating build information file$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-create-build-info-file
    @printf "$(GREEN)Building docker images$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory docker-build
    @printf "$(GREEN)Pushing images to the registry$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory docker-push
    @printf "$(GREEN)Creating the deployment archive$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make deployment-create-tar
    @printf "$(GREEN)Copying the deployment archive to the VM and run the deployment$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-run-on-vm
    @printf "$(GREEN)Clearing deployment archive$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory deployment-clear-tar
    @printf "$(GREEN)Switching to 'local' environment$(NO_COLOR)\n"
    @make --no-print-directory make-init

# directory on the VM that will contain the files to start the docker setup


.PHONY: deployment-guard-secret-changes
deployment-guard-secret-changes: ## Check if there are any changes between the decrypted and encrypted secret files
    if ( ! make secret-diff || [ "$$(make secret-diff | grep ^@@)" != "" ] ) && [ "$(IGNORE_SECRET_CHANGES)" == "" ] ; then \
        printf "Found changes in the secret files => $(RED)ABORTING$(NO_COLOR)\n\n"; \
        printf "Use with IGNORE_SECRET_CHANGES=true to ignore this warning\n\n"; \
        make secret-diff; \
        exit 1; \
    @echo "No changes in the secret files!"


.PHONY: deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes
deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes: ## Check if there are any git changes and abort if so. The check can be ignore by passing `IGNORE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES=true`
    if [ "$$(git status -s)" != "" ] && [ "$(IGNORE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES)" == "" ] ; then \
        printf "Found uncommitted changes in git => $(RED)ABORTING$(NO_COLOR)\n\n"; \
        printf "Use with IGNORE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES=true to ignore this warning\n\n"; \
        git status -s; \
        exit 1; \
    @echo "No uncommitted changes found!"

# FYI: make converts all new lines in spaces when they are echo'd 
# @see
# To execute a shell command via $(command), the $ has to be escaped with another $
#  ==> $$(command)
# @see
.PHONY: deployment-create-build-info-file
deployment-create-build-info-file: ## Create a file containing version information about the codebase
    @echo "BUILD INFO" > ".build/build-info"
    @echo "==========" >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "User  :" $$(whoami) >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "Date  :" $$(date --rfc-3339=seconds) >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "Branch:" $$(git branch --show-current) >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "" >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "Commit" >> ".build/build-info"
    @echo "------" >> ".build/build-info"
    @git log -1 --no-color >> ".build/build-info"

# create tar archive
#  tar -czvf archive.tar.gz ./source
# extract tar archive
#  tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz -C ./target
# @see
# @see
.PHONY: deployment-create-tar
    # create the build directory
    rm -rf .build/deployment
    mkdir -p .build/deployment
    # copy the necessary files
    mkdir -p .build/deployment/.docker/docker-compose/
    cp -r .docker/docker-compose/ .build/deployment/.docker/
    cp -r .make .build/deployment/
    cp Makefile .build/deployment/
    cp .infrastructure/scripts/ .build/deployment/
    # make sure we don't have any .env files in the build directory (don't wanna leak any secrets) ...
    find .build/deployment -name '.env' -delete
    # ... apart from the .env file we need to start docker
    cp .secrets/prod/docker.env .build/deployment/.docker/.env
    # create the archive
    tar -czvf .build/deployment.tar.gz -C .build/deployment/ ./

.PHONY: deployment-clear-tar
    # clear the build directory
    rm -rf .build/deployment
    # remove the archive
    rm -rf .build/deployment.tar.gz

.PHONY: deployment-run-on-vm
deployment-run-on-vm:## Run the deployment script on the VM
    "$(MAKE)" -s gcp-scp-command SOURCE=".build/deployment.tar.gz" DESTINATION="deployment.tar.gz"
    "$(MAKE)" -s gcp-ssh-command COMMAND="sudo rm -rf $(CODEBASE_DIRECTORY) && sudo mkdir -p $(CODEBASE_DIRECTORY) && sudo tar -xzvf deployment.tar.gz -C $(CODEBASE_DIRECTORY) && cd $(CODEBASE_DIRECTORY) && sudo bash"

.PHONY: deployment-setup-db-on-vm
deployment-setup-db-on-vm: ## Setup the application on the VM. CAUTION: The docker setup must be running!
    "$(MAKE)" -s gcp-docker-exec DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME="application" DOCKER_COMMAND="make setup-db"
  • deploy is the main target to trigger a full deployment
  • deployment-guard-uncommitted-changes checks if there are changes in the codebase that have not been committed to git, yet. We want to avoid that, because that might cause a "drift" between the codebase and the deployed code
  • deployment-guard-secret-changes does the same but for secrets
  • deployment-create-build-info-file creates the build-info file in the .build/ directory
  • deployment-create-tar creates a deployment tar archive that contains all necessary files to start the docker setup via docker compose on the VM
  • deployment-clear-tar removes the archive including any temporary files that have been created via deployment-create-tar
  • deployment-run-on-vm copies the deployment tar archive to the VM, extracts it and runs the deployment script defined in .infrastructure/scripts/, see section Deployment commands on the VM
  • deployment-setup-db-on-vm executes the setup-db command in the application container on the VM

Wrapping up

Congratulations, you made it! If some things are not completely clear by now, don't hesitate to leave a comment. You should now be ready to deploy a dockerized PHP application "to production" on GCP via docker compose.

In the next part of this tutorial, we will use terraform to create the infrastructure for production deployments on GCP and deploy the docker containers on individual VMs without docker compose.

Please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when this next part comes out :)

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Waving bear
